Print Price Calculator / Print Estimation Software
Our pricing calculator or print estimation feature is most advanced and appreciated by all kind of printers i.e. commercial printers, trade printers and personalized promo suppliers and garment printers alike.
It gives different pricing controls for all sort of print and personalized products whether narrow or wide format.
Custom Options Based Print Pricing
Mostly used by commercial and wide format printers
Custom Options and Pricing
Printers can configure n-number of pricing options on a print product and define pricing variations. For example, for a business card product pricing can be defined based on quantity, paper type, single or double side printing, corner radius and finish. You get flexibility to configure multiple options and define pricing for any print product.
Dependent Options and Pricing
For wide format products such as banners where pricing depends on material as well as size, you can define dependent options e.g. available sizes based on the material chosen and then define the price.
Custom Size Pricing
Specially for wide format products like banners or wall-papers, you can allow customers to enter custom height and width and setup a square area price calculator with minimum allows height/width.
One-time Pricing Options
You can also add multiple one-time pricing options irrespective of quantity ordered e.g. a fixed artwork assistance and proofing fee or ordering sample for proof.
Fixed Quantity Price
For products that you sell on fixed quantities, e.g. business cards can be sold in fixed quantities like 100, 250, 500 etc. disable the quantity editing and setup fixed quantities with a price.
Printing Method Based Pricing
Mostly used by garment decorators and personalized merchandize suppliers
Define Printing Methods:
Configure multiple printing methods in the system and setup products with a single or multiple printing options
Control print pricing based on one of the 3 options: Based on Quantity (e.g. for Digital Printing), based on No. of Colors (e.g. for Screen Printing) or Artwork Size (e.g. for Embroidery)
Add top-up fee for image upload and one-time artwork setup fee
Define-up charge for printing name/number per item for group orders
Pricing Based on Customer Groups
Define Separate Prices for Retail Customers, Wholesale Customers or Re-sellers
Pricing based on Customer Groups
Group your customers as pe your requirements e.g. Retail Customers, Wholesale Customers or Resellers and set up promotional prices for specific customer groups
Special Pricing:
Run time-bound offers and promotions and define special pricing discounts for the offer period based on customer groups
Tier Pricing:
Tier pricing is used to offer a quantity discount. The discount can be applied to specific customer groups
Ability to define MAP
(Minimum Advertised Price) and MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price)
Ask for Personalized Demo
Do contact us for more details on our pricing engine and our web-to-print experts will help you by setting up sample products for you with your own pricing formula.