
How Video Ads Can Help in Increasing Print Sales

How Video Ads Can Help in Increasing Print Sales

How Video Ads Can Help in Increasing Print Sales

Video ads have been taking the world of marketing by storm recently. They drive the concept easily and in a short time, too. Video ads are a great opportunity for brands because the video format gives them a lot of scope for engaging with the audience.

Print advertising was ruling the roost before digital marketing set its foot. There were times people waited for the hard copy to arrive first thing in the morning. But slowly, its relevance seems to have been falling. Since video advertisements have transformed the way brands communicate with consumers, print sales are seeing a decline.

Video ads have come to stay, and the onus is on the brands to use them effectively. But it is also essential to help print sales as its significance cannot be undermined. An effective marketing drive includes both print ads and digital ads like videos.

A recent survey has found that print ads still account for a remarkable share of the global advertising market. There is a section of people across the globe that still make print media necessary.

The following points speak about the importance of print media and give reasons to improve print sales.

  • More memorability since the shelf life of print form is high. By using specific fonts, colours, and images, the print remains in memory for a long time.
  • Print form enjoys more credibility, and reports also emphasise this point.
  • There is better engagement with print media as customers select the particular print form they want.

1. Video ads have a greater reach.

Video ads have a greater reach

The reach for video ads is spectacular, thanks to the digital era. With a properly planned ad strategy and engaging content, no one can skip your video ad. A powerful video ad can reach a wider audience by helping them connect with your brand. The audience can help improve print sales when they get to know about the print medium through videos.

People can also recollect video ads more quickly, which is why you should promote your print sales through videos. Videos remain in their minds for more than a month.

2. Video ads can be shared.

A fantastic feature of social media is sharing. When people like your videos, the next thing they do is share them. You can feature all the good aspects of your business to engage viewers with your brand.

This is easy and, at the same time, highly profitable. Since the ads are short and to the point, viewers can relate to them easily and share the content to make others aware. The more the shares, the greater the increase in print sales. People spread the word through videos to get back to print media. 

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3. Video ads help in conversions.

What next after sharing? Your viewers get converted as customers since most viewers are potential customers. When your ads convey the desired positive points, you can create long-standing customers. The customers also become your brand ambassadors as they endorse your brand to people they know. This can help in increasing print sales to a great extent.

4. Videos can convey stories.

Videos can convey stories
When you are able to convey things in the form of a story, it is readily accepted. It creates an emotional impact that the text form of advertising fails to achieve. To establish such a personal connection with the customers by using a video ad maker tool might come to your rescue. Using an Ad maker tool helps in creating professional level Ads and thus increases the confidence in their minds and paves the way for continued association. When you can convey the journey of print media through stories, customers are prompted to buy the print form.

5. Videos rank on Google.

Videos rank on Google

We know how the search engine picks up text through keywords from among an ocean of websites. In the same way, keywords are also present in video content and help viewers to locate the video through Google search.

If your video is created for YouTube, including the keyword in your videos will help a lot. When YouTube processes the videos, it can pick up video suggestions based on the keywords spoken in the video. This helps in better ranking and makes your brand more popular. 

Read also: What Are Google Web Vitals? Why Your Web-To-Print Storefront Must Comply

6. Videos get more views.

Reports say that nearly 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. Isn’t it a super cool reason to use Video Ads to your brand’s advantage? As much as one-third of the population resorts to buying after watching the video. This influence on consumers’ buying decisions can also be used for print sales.

There is an increased consumption of video content since people find it easier than other forms of advertising.

Recently, video views have increased by nearly 15%. The entire percentage can help increase print business sales when ads are specifically curated to achieve this purpose.

7. Video ads are abundant.

A whopping 82% of internet traffic will be video ads, is what reports predict. More people are looking for video content online. They expect video content from their favorite brand also.

Keeping this advantage in mind, you should create more video ads to improve the print business. This trend has already set in. This is why nearly 87% of the marketing is done through video ads. 

8. Videos offer higher click-through rates.

Videos offer higher click-through rates

Video ads help in more click-through rates. The click-through rate (CTR) is the number of clicks that your ad receives compared to the total number of views. It is an indicator of the success of your video ads.

These ads create an interest in the user and let them explore for more through the links provided. The links for the online version of your print media can make them aware of its existence. Video ads have the highest CTR of 1.84%, topping all the digital ad formats.

9. Video ads help in the easy transfer of information.

A tremendous amount of information can be transmitted quickly using video ads. With the audio and visual components, it is easier to convey information. This is the best medium to educate people and create awareness about your brand.

When you promote your print media through this, viewers are captivated to use it, thereby increasing print sales.

10. Video ads can be embedded into a website.

Video ads can be embedded on your website, meaning viewers need not visit another page to see them. Video ads can also be embedded on Facebook and YouTube for a wider reach, thereby creating brand awareness.

This omnipresence of ads can be effectively used to promote your print media and help boost sales.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out this guide Create Business Concept like 4Over for your Country

Wrapping up

The above shows that video ads have the biggest advantage that brands cannot leverage elsewhere. Whatever the type of business you are in, video ads can help to create a significant impact. All you need to do is create a plan for video production and other strategies that can make it appealing.

It is the easiest way to divert traffic towards print media and help it sustain for a long time.

Several tools can help you do this effortlessly. Create an engaging and informative video, and at the same time, remember not to go overboard. A holistic marketing strategy combines print and digital forms to give a personalized experience.

There is no limit to creativity when it comes to video ads. Isn’t it the best platform, then, to communicate to prospective customers about your brand?

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