
Top Custom T-shirt Trends During COVID 19

Top Custom T-shirt Trends During COVID 19

Top Custom T shirt Trends During COVID 19

Never before people had thought that shaking hands would be scary and staying home would be considered responsible. No one would have predicted that a virus would quarantine half the world and that wearing a mask was not just for the superheroes. The world truly has entered uncharted territories and we have set foot on a path where the world is defining a new normal.

Many unusual things have happened during these unprecedented times and not all of them were bad. People came up with many unique ways of connecting with their loved ones while maintaining social distancing and even during these dire times, the world has not left its high-spirits behind. The front line workers’ appreciations, the deserted tourist destinations and the sudden surge of the t-shirt trends during the COVID 19 times are proof of that!

Yes, you heard that right, many t-shirt trends have emerged during these last few months and the online apparel businesses are seeing an unusual surge in the demands of custom t-shirts that are basically COVID 19 trends. Right from individuals to non-profit organizations to corporate enterprises, everyone has their own unique custom t-shirt requirements and is looking for brands that can provide custom and personalized COVID 19 t-shirts.

If you have a digital e-commerce platform and if you have custom t-shirt design software integrated on your e-commerce platform, you can definitely get some business by introducing following custom t-shirt offerings on your digital platforms.

Top Custom T-shirt trends During COVID 19:

1.Appreciation t-shirts:

Appreciation t-shirts

While the world quarantined and stayed indoors, the front line workers such as doctors, police personnel, nurses, cleaning staff and others have been working relentlessly so that others can continue their lives smoothly. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed and around the globe, people are demanding custom t-shirts to show their gratitude towards these people!

If you wish to leverage these trends, create some custom t-shirts with quotes and images by using your online t-shirt design tool and offer them to your customers. These t-shirts can be pre-designed for an open market and you can also allow customers to design their own t-shirts using your t-shirt design software which they can gift to the front line workers for thanking them for their services.

2.Funny COVID 19 t-shirts:

Funny COVID 19 t-shirts

T-shirts with customized quotes have always been a trend since the advent of the print on demand business model that has been provided by e-commerce platforms by integrating t-shirt design tool. Even during COVID 19 these quotes based custom t-shirts have been in trend and people are using witty ways to create COVID 19 humor quotes.

Some of the witty and funny quotes that have been trending during these times are:

  • Can we please uninstall the year 2020 and install it again, this one has a virus
  • If you could read this, you are too close
  • Eat, Sleep, Quarantine, Repeat

Apart from that, the survivor trend has been sweeping the internet as well! Custom t-shirts with the following quotes and images have been trending all over the world:

  • The COVID 19 Survivor
  • The 2020 Survivor
  • I Survived Coronavirus
  • I survived the toilet paper apocalypse

And explore other such funny and interesting designs using pre-designed artwork template, clipart, fonts and images. These t-shirts are still trending and if you have a t-shirt design software integrated, you can easily create these t-shirts and reach your target audience with digital marketing and social media.

3.Coronavirus precautions t-shirts:

Coronavirus precautions t-shirts

On one hand, where the funny quotes were trending, people used the custom graphic tees to spread the novel Coronavirus Precautions. With the ongoing protests and campaigns around the world regarding washing hands and wearing masks, people are buying custom t-shirts that represent Coronavirus precautions.

Right from “Wash your Hands” to “Wear your Masks” to precautionary custom t-shirts that emphasizes on “Stay Home Stay Safe” messages, the demand of custom Coronavirus precautions t-shirts have been really high. Utilize your custom t-shirt design tool and create a line of custom graphic t-shirts that represents these messages and create a quick and sustainable revenue model during these tough times.

4.Custom t-shirts for Fundraiser:

Custom t-shirts for Fundraiser

Apart from essential industries and healthcare, the only other thing that was functional during the lockdown period was the Fundraisers that were organized by the non-profits, enterprises and celebrities. Right from fundraisers for masks and PPE kits to fundraisers to feed the poor to fundraisers for the pets and animals, there have been numerous fundraisers that have been organizing around the world.

And for the branding purposes of these fundraisers, there has been a high demand for custom t-shirts that represents the purpose of the fundraiser and the brand or organization that has been organizing them. To tap into this vertical, you can create your own custom designs or you can render your product configurator tool to these organizers where they can create their own customized t-shirts and place a bulk order with you.

5.Custom t-shirts demand from enterprises:

Custom t-shirts demand from enterprises

Because of the novel Coronavirus, many businesses and industries have to adopt the digital platforms and delivery business models to sustain their business and its revenues. Since there was a hike in the home deliveries of goods and services, the branding team had created a high demand for custom t-shirts with their brand logo and tag lines. Many even demanded specific messages from t-shirt designers and thus, the t-shirt businesses who were catering to the enterprise clients have been utilizing the t-shirt design software to deliver these t-shirts.

Wrapping up

Although the demand surge was unexpected and unplanned, it can be fairly said that these trends will stay in the market for a longer period of time as the world continues to battle the COVID 19 and settles their lives with this new normal. If you are into custom t-shirt business, you can definitely grow your business by adopting the above-mentioned t-shirt trends. Reach us for further discussion or queries on [email protected]

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