Now allow your customers to personalize greeting cards, photo cards, invitations, photo albums, scrap books, calendars and many more such exciting products using a easy and user friendly design studio.
We are sure to startle you with the features of this new solution
- Complete ready-to-go-live Magento CE store with responsive theme
- Comprehensive and the easiest store administration
- User friendly and interactive design studio
- Ready-to-use design templates for beginners
- Background image options
- Professionally designed clipart and stickers
- Import photos from Picasa, Flickr, Facebook
- Upload photos from desktop
- Extensive photo enhancement features like zoom, crop, apply outline, grey, sepia, transparency etc.
- Add messages and text with lots of editing options like font, font color, text box background color etc.
- Ability to offer as many pages to photo book and album products
- Offer professionally designed page layouts
- Easy page navigation with page turning effect
- Live quote and print proof
- Social media share on Facebook, Twitter or via mail
So get ready for the biggest release of the season.